
Friday, December 11, 2009

La Pasion

Passion ! Passion ! It's the greatest, the most powerful Mantra !

Saturday, December 05, 2009


If love is blind why Victoria's Secret is so successful?

If love is blind why most lovers can see the moon?

Friday, December 04, 2009

G Spot

Step 1 To reach the G spot: have a woman who loves you Step 2 Be curious as scout and gently as consumated lover Step 3 Don't demand for response

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Why we waste our lifes today with wonderful promises of tomorrow's life?


The passion between those two became extinct as the dinosaurs did  but  traces of prehistoric being still tearing the lovers' hearts 

Is it Profitable ?

War seems to me a ridiculous , cruel and profitable game. At the end, defeated and victorious will die. Is it really profitable? History shows otherwise.

Riding on terror

Who has got out victor from wars?Millions of mutilated humans
being, children riding on terror and you don't have to count 
the deaths since we all will die anyway

Saturday, November 28, 2009

we can fly

Watch  the eagle in flight. It is a beautiful and

 flawless maneuver. The more it rises, seem 

calmer movements of its wings. Sail serenely, 

powered by the mysterious combination of 

strength, balance and cosmic gravitation

getting serenity

Extended boot leads the retreat of the state of alert and tension, installing smooth flying, and increasing its elevation by the incessant beating of the wings, without frenzy, without pause

Great Conductor

Get the title of Great Conductor omniscient in the Heights.Easy: overcoming any state of tension and establish the Serenity into your life

Impeccable Predator

The eagle the higher, more serene is its flight and the terrestrial observer is a fascinating snapshot of overwhelming peace, but in reality the vision of the future is an act of extermination of predator satiation Impeccable.
The Impeccable Predator , detects its prey and no changes his expression serene serene and very high peace

Come with me

Achieve happiness, if you first reach the strength to despise death and no fear of loneliness

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tweete or not

I don't mind if I have to live this pain 100 times ...God makes me fall in love again as if were the first time

Monday, November 23, 2009


if money means succes why you look so vulnerable? In the other hand why I feel invencible if I'm without a cent

 Let's go green "What happens first to islands will one day happen to us all. We need the voices of island leaders in Copenhagen"

 RT: @jacjaxon Sex with love is the greatest thing in life. But sex without love - that's not so bad either. ~ Mae West

Is your ego inflated ? Be aware not to elevate yourself too high.Remember: you are not a bird either superman yet

 Creature of the abyss,a fallen Angel, a nice woman.Who are you?You are all previous options but a delicious body lighting by a sacred soul

RT: @healthlady RT @DrWayneWDyer: When you are in-spirit (inspired) you have no need for the ego.Same too if you are tied in a french kiss

 No way, I told her the truth: a Sunday without you seems a hopeless Monday

 I'm deeply grateful to all of you who listed me and those who are my followers. I love you all and each one of you.Thankisses


Followers are the G spot of twitteres

 "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." ~Chinese Proverb

 Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. -Theodore N. Vail

 The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.Stanislaw Jerszy Lec

 "Everything I know about success men I learned it from a escort agency". Belle du Jour

 I love all the people who listed me I appreciate the love and feedback remember to always remain postive

 God, can you hear me!? I'm Jose, the guy from Planet Earth.Please do me a favor:make the nx door blonde girl, to accept me for a date

I believe in love and also I believe in peace but is there such a thing as love and peace?

Sunday, November 22, 2009


  1. Science knows now that excesive car use or massive traffic can diminish even destroy our sex lives. Come back to walk, fellow !
  2. If the eyes are windows to the soul.what are the doors ?
  3. There is a compelled question: What do you do? You don't have to feel embarras to say I do nothing. I just try to live as good as possible
  4. What are the ugliest actitud on earth? Excuses,procrastinations and liars

Friday, November 20, 2009


If you love to dance then you have already achieve a tool for a successfully life. What does success meant for you? Do weigh your answer carefully. A wrong choice can be the difference between a Happy or Unhappy life

Thursday, November 19, 2009

tweeters 2

Jesus said to those who tried Mary Magdalene stoned her to death:"Let those who have not lain with her cast the first stone"

It's hard to understand:they promise at least 100 daily but their profiles show a few under 100

Commonplace: "For continous Massive Income enter here"

  1. Inspiration:it was our first date.Transpiration was our entangled passion..Achievement was to say byeAging? If you have grandchildren deal with them and remain alert, physically & mentally, to reacquaint yourself with love at any moment.
    f you can dance merrily you can do everything that lead to success

    wonder how to celebrate life?Worshiping your faith?Making money? Working? No.There's one way: making babies otherwise dancing

    all days long u heard telling by evrybody:love's the cure to evrything & day dreams r the gatway to success: now who really believes that?

    The success rewards the authenticity

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Life's an everyday trials & errors essays where the end results doesn't make any sense.But it's higher valuable to keep it doing day after day.

Everybody loves you as long as you don't tell them the truth

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


If you are procrastinating your gratification, you are wasting the good side of your life


Let me say something: the most powerful 

human weakeness is vanity...and you know 

what? Vanity comes from our ego.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today Challenge

There are one major challenge to overcome 

anxiety and gain inner peace: you must 

neutralize your Ego

Sunday, November 15, 2009


If you are living with a sense of an ophanhood,with a sensation of anxiety and insecurity, then it's means that you are living under the great ugly master:your Ego. As long as you make your own self the very center of your concern you become like a trapezist on a dangerous unbalance. Stop your Ego right now.Follow these simple steps: 

1) Open your mind to other people's needs. 

2) Be aware: life is short and you are living now.

3) Be optimistic and innovative.

4) Keep it in mind: money is important but while you are alive .

5) Set your goals as a journey but never as an end.

6) Never allow your ego to get involved in your 

decisions or bussines

7) Stop running behind what they call success, 

because the genuine success is inside yourself

8) Don't set your goals or desires as matters of honor, 

that's what your Ego demands.

9) Don't forget that the mother of all setbacks is a 

loose ego.

10) The man's ego size is 7 or 10 times bigger his 

size.If you can re-size your ego,like a tiny mouse, 

you will be able to lead a success life.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The moistures in their bodies entangled made them enjoy intensively

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Life & Death

Have you ever had the pleasure of being part of something or someone? It's magic
build bridges to the other side, or climb the mountain to walk the paths of
other side of that same mountain, or simply browse, carried away by the
current, the nude and indescribable pleasure of going in the direction of water

The three laws for self-achievement

The three laws for self-achievement: 


Lesson One

Free yourself from date and clocks.Walk along for at least one hour every morning.Get rid of rude people even 

if they are your relatives.Believe yourself

Do this excercise every day starting

 today:reduce as much as you can any critic or

 complaint.Keep stillness and make quiet youself

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Esta monja dice todo sobre la Gripe A

人間天堂El video a continuacion es una joya informativa de primer orden. Esta mujer, ademas de monja, es bella y medica y talentosa. Si lo que dice sobre la gripe A es verdad o mentira, eso es lo de menos. Lo que vale es como lo dice


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dictadura en Honduras

En Honduras se ha entronizado una dictadura y para lograrlo, sencillamente, los militares perpetraron un golpe de estado. Secuestraron una noche al presidente constitucional, Manuel Zelaya y lo trasladaron a una base militar norteamenricana y desde alli lo llevaron a Costa Rica. Hoy, estos mismos militares han puesto sus garras en dos importantes medios de comunicacion de Tegucigalpa, Canal 36 y Radio Globo

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

09 / 09 / 09


This symmetrical date 09 / 09 / 09 has anything special ? I believe it´s cabalistic because number nine holds powerful rank.
Good luck for everybody the way EVERYBODY has 9 letters



Monday, September 07, 2009